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Nov 18, 2014

Swinomish Channel Nightmare in the Daytime

      We came across this boat during our 4th of July hike to Fort Whitman on Goat Island. 

They were barely stuck when we first saw them, but within a few minutes it was clear they weren't  getting off until the tide came back up.  I can't imagine the port prop and shaft survived,

boat aground in Swimnomish channel
If this is you, our hearts go out to you, it must have been a rotten day. (make a comment, tell us what happened below, if you want to)

Swinomish channel Fort Whitman
One of four gun emplacements at  Fort Whitman on Goat Island.

Here is the link to the  Fort Whitman posting  > Fort Whitman - Goat Island

Click below to see a satellite view of Swinomish channel

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