Friday Harbor - Turtleback Mountain - Jones Island - Roche Harbor - Youngs Hill - Turn Point Lighthouse - China Caves - Matia Island Rain Forest Trail - Patos Island Lighthouse Tour - Inati Bay & Lummi Island Campground - Vendovi Island Preserve - Eagle Bluff On Cypress - Fort Whitman On Goat Island - Rosario Beach & The Maiden of Deception Pass - Victoria & Butchart Gardens
These are special places to go and great things to do that our years of cruising have rewarded us with. Some of the very best places are walks or hikes that are off the beaten path and seldom visited. I have listed them in somewhat of a great circle to help you stay oriented, but you will not be able to visit all of them in one day. I suggest that you mark them on a paper map or chart for later reference. Check out these places too. Not really must see places but still wonderful exploring and gunkholing places. little coves and back doors
Okay, here it is, the day before Valentines Day, and you are stuck on finding the perfect Valentine. How about a reservation at a B&B in the San Juans for some time in July or August. Or a cozy romantic restaurant dinner date in a Friday Harbor eatery.
Enough with Valentines, by the time you read this, you're either in the dog house, living on your boat, or should be making summer cruise plans. In any case its probably not too late to get that reservation at a campground or marina.
When planning a San Juan cruise you don't need any reservations to have a great vacation, but some people feel better knowing there is an open slip or warm bed waiting their arrival. As a suggestion you might consider making a reservation at a popular stopover for just one or two nights in the middle of your cruise, leaving the rest of your time free to go where the wind blows you, simply staying where you happen to dock or anchor. With a speedy power boat all the San Juan islands and parks are within an easy run no matter where you start or plan to end up. A more sedate pokey sailing type vessel may be somewhat limited how far it can run before the sun sets.
Even if you don't reserve some fancy resort for a stopover visit you can still make a day time visit to Friday Harbor, Roche Harbor, Deer Harbor or many others, park that yacht for free, or anchor and dinghy to the dinghy dock, then armed with a fistful of quarters enjoy a wonderful, blissful, rejuvenating, hot shower. You will get back to the boat refreshed and ready to continue your vacation anew.
Jones Island offers a wonderful experience for boat camping and exploring the San Juan Islands. Its proximity to major marinas and harbors, such as Deer Harbor, Roche Harbor, and Friday Harbor, makes it a convenient and attractive destination.
Starting your kayaking adventure from Deer Harbor, with its calm waters, can be a great option for exploring the surrounding areas. Roche Harbor, known for its resort and as a departure point for trips to Canada, is another nearby destination that adds to the appeal of Jones Island. Additionally, Friday Harbor, the largest city and port in the San Juan Islands, is relatively close, making it easily accessible for supplies or further exploration.
With its strategic location and the variety of neighboring destinations, Jones Island offers a great balance between tranquility and accessibility. It can be an ideal choice for families looking to enjoy boat camping and explore the beauty of the San Juan Islands.
All of Jones is a state park, the north cove is preferred by power boaters and sailors alike, inside you will find a protected bay with docks and anchor buoys, plus room to anchor if the five buoys are in use.
The south cove is favored by kayaker's, there are several campgrounds and the island has running water, fire pits and picnic tables. On a sunny summer weekend it would not be unusual to find several large groups camping with many first time kayakers in guided tour groups. Offshore are a few anchor buoys. The south cove is not protected from San Juan Channel traffic or winter storms so the beaches are piled with sun silvered driftwood.
The North Cove is absolutely wonderful, There is a brand new dock, anchor buoys, a steep gravel beach (good for dinghy's), and room to anchor. The cove is protected from all but the worst north winds (very infrequent) On shore are lots of tent sites, each with picnic table and fire rings. There is a nice mowed lawn area for games and grazing deer. Bathrooms and running water are clean, cool, clear and convenient.
The island has several hiking trails, rated, easy and moderate. From the trails are magnificent views of the surrounding islands, and waters. Bring your camera to Jones, you will want to preserve the memories to show your friends that aren't as fortunate as you.
Click the Jones Island link below for satellite view
I stopped for a quick look around at Cypress Head.
There are quite a few campsites and trail access to all of Cypress Islands trail system.
With a cove on both sides of the head you should be able to find some protection when anchored.
The camping sites at Cypress Head have the best view I have ever seen, but the exposure to wind goes with the view.
One side of the head has mooring balls, the other side nothing, but I would choose the side without a swell for an overnight visit.
For those of us without any idea where this place is - you will find Cypress Head on the east side of Cypress Island on Bellingham Channel. It is a short kayak paddle from Guemes Channel or Washington Park in Anacortes
A while back I wrote about helping others when boating, (click here to read that post) and someday you might need a little help out yourself, well last month I got help in a very big way, reinforcing my conviction about paying it forward.
Here in a nutshell is what happened. We found ourselves a 100 miles or so and a week into our cruise when the diesel engine quit. To continue on our way we had our 7.5 hp kicker and 3 gallons of gas which was not enough gas to make it to the nearest gas dock let alone on to the San Juans. After some cell phone calls to my son at home, (he was at a computer online) I decided to run about five miles to a nearby shutdown marina, anchor the boat and take the dinghy to shore and a road where I would call a taxi from a neighboring town 15 miles away (or hitch hike) to take me to somewhere to buy four five gallon fuel containers and bring them back to the dinghy full of gas. Sounds like a miserable way to finish a cruise but a workable plan never the less.
But it turned out great, while paddling my dinghy to shore I started talking with two fisherman in their dinghy, that were just finishing up crabbing for the day. They offered me a ride, they took me into town, waited while I bought four new gas jugs, took me to a gas station and brought me back to the dinghy. All this in less than an hour, heck we spend more time watching eagles than this little emergency excursion took. When I fished out a twenty and offered to pay for their time or at least the fuel cost they politely refused. My response to their generosity was to promise to help someone in need and keep it going.
So "paying it forward" is very much alive and well, and apparently I still have credits in my account.
Click below for a satellite view of Pleasant Harbor on Hood Canal
Bicycling the San Juans, may not describe our cruise last month, but we did bring three bicycles, and we did knock off about forty miles on San Juan Island.
At Friday Harbor with three bicycles, and yes the jib sheets caught on the handlebars on every tack.
Last January I posted a short blog laying out a possible bike/hike/cruise scenario/itinerary that you could use as a planning building block for your own cruise.
Our San Juan Island trip started at Shelter Bay LaConner on the Swinomish Channel.
We had just returned from a week long cruise into Hood Canal and after one night in our slip we cast off again at 5:30 am trying to beat the falling tide which would leave us trapped at the dock. With just inches or less to spare we sneaked across our shallow entrance shoal and slid into Swinomish Channel, and rode the remaining outgoing current all the way into Padilla Bay.
After a day of on and off winds and then really great afternoon sailing winds we arrived at 5pm and hailed the Friday Harbor Harbor Master
staking claim to a slip for the next two nights. A casual stroll around town, and live local music drifting down from the city's seawall gathering esplanade contributed to a very relaxing evening on board. Not having tides or currents dictating our bicycling schedule allowed us to sleep in the next morning. Finally with hot coffee in hand, (okay, in the cup) I wandered up to Kings Market and purchased hash browns, eggs and some yummy impulse items to bring back to the boat for a late breakfast.
Definitely before noon, (but not much) we walked our bikes off the floats and headed uphill, of course it's always going to be uphill when you start at sea level.
We used a folded and wadded up, photocopied not to scale scrap of map for guidance and headed for Cattle Point.
The roads were without bike lanes, but drivers were respectful and we had an easy ride to American Camp and then on to Cattle Point Lighthouse.
Fortunately the weather was clear and with no fog we had views all the way to Vancouver Island and across the strait of Juan De Fuca. The Olympic mountains hung in the distance completing our postcard views. Viewing Cattle Pass from up high was a thrill and brought into perspective what was previously a cockpit level chart image. It was easy to see why the Americans chose this location to set up their cannons. From our vantage point we could scan the water route all the way back to Turn Island where our boat lay just around the corner.
We brought cookies and water for lunch, and learned next time to bring lots more water and less cookies.
There is no road right along the coast so we rode part way back to Friday Harbor before turning towards
Lime Kiln Park.
We encountered a few long steep grades which required walking for some of us. The cliff side views are stunning and it is somewhat difficult to ride safely while scanning the waters for Killer Whales. I learned right away to stop if I wanted to really take in the sights.
We followed a circle route taking us by the Lavender Gardens and back to town on a different road.
I forgot and left my camera on the boat so no pictures, sorry. The next day we were fortunate to not have any soreness brought on by being out of shape and suddenly biking like we were still children.
On the way back to La Conner we stopped by Spencer Spit for an afternoon hike, and then anchored at James Island.
We hung around in the morning waiting for the rising tide which we rode almost all the way to Shelter Bay.
This cruise, in spite of motor problems (our diesel quit and forced us to use our 7.5 kicker for the entire trip) turned out to be one of our best, longest, and most enjoyable. I highly recommend planning a bicycle/cruise to any of the San Juan Islands.
Click below for a satellite view of Lime Kiln, Whale Watch Park
I hesitate to write about Cypress Island, my impulse is to keep the secret, secret.
For some, Cypress Island is a destination. For others it's just a stop on the way to somewhere else.
For me, it's a dependable refuge that I return to again and again.
This selection of images is from Pelican Beach on Cypress Island. The beach is very dinghy friendly. Pelican Beach should be visited for one hour or overnight, or you are missing out on something truly special.
Find your own trail on Cypress
Please use this link for all the other parks and keep Cypress secret.
The best cruise yet! I'm sitting in my home gazing out the window at my land locked nautical variation of a RV camper, (my boat on a trailer) I drift off and begin day dreaming again.
This must be the 100th time since New Years that I have imagined our upcoming summer cruise. The trip is planned for July right after the fourth and we are going to cruise the Washington San Juan Islands again.
This trip our focus will be whale watching, (the last trip was whale watching too), but we were sidetracked meeting up with our daughter at Rosario Resort on Orcas Island. As I remember we supplied the trailerable yacht, cheese and wine, she supplied the car that seats four, and two friends. It turns out we had no cell phone service so we were glad we had earlier made plans to meet this afternoon. The weather was pleasant, and balmy with hardly a breeze in the air. It’s just about sundown when they wave to us from the parking lot at Rosario.
Rosario marina and gas dock - anchor area to right out of picture
We leave “Sunshine” our 25 foot sailboat, tied to an anchor buoy. The three of us quickly paddle the dinghy ashore. Soon we are six in a Subaru that seats four.
I’m a happy camper I get a front seat, we are heading for the top of Mt Constitution, the highest point in the San Juan Islands. At about 2400 feet I expect to have a fantastic view and see a gorgeous sunset.
But, like whale watching, it was not meant to be. When we arrive at the summit, the sun has been blocked and was settling into a thick blanket of fog that seemed to cover the western half of the world, the temperature felt like it had dropped to minus 50 and the wind was a howling gale the likes of which only arctic explorers are capable of surviving. I was glad we didn’t walk from the boat as I had once planned, if the seven miles of winding uphill switchbacks didn’t kill me, I’m sure the elements would’ve done me in just the same.
We quickly scan the fog free remaining eastern views to spot Anacortes, Bellingham, Mt Baker, and Lummi Island. Ocean freighters and Ferries far below look like toys. The swirling currents of Rosario Strait are clearly visible.
South of us we can see the Strait of Juan De Fuca and one edge of the fog bank. The frigid cold wind is biting into us. It had never occurred to me to bring a coat. We soon leave Mt Constitution to the only other people around, two lonely cold but hardy tourists. Climbing back into the Subaru is the beginning of a fast and scary bobsled ride back to sea level. Coming down I don’t remember near so many switchbacks or how steep the road is. In minutes we are back at Rosario. I invite everyone out to the boat for wine and snacks.
It takes three dinghy trips to get the six of us on board, and it’s just about dark when we hang a dim flashlight from the backstay and break out a cheese and cracker assortment, along with a 1.5 liter bottle of fine (read cheap) Merlot.
Before long, we are lost in conversation and story telling. Jaiden enjoys being Sunshine’s wine and cracker steward. A second bottle of something just as red but decidedly different appears and the night is fast upon us. The darkness is almost total without the moon. even though the dock is only a short distance away, it can’t be seen, nor can the half dozen or so other boats anchored nearby. Eventually our daughter and her friends decide it’s time to leave and that our dinghy for three can take four of them in one trip.
After all, the water is flat calm and its not far to the dock, even if you can’t see it. Why not give it a try.
Freeboard is a relative term.
They carefully cast off and paddle in the direction of the dock; the silence is complete as we listen for problems. A few minutes later, our son reappears without his passengers. Linda and I are both relieved, even though we know they are quite capable, it’s still unnerving having your children paddle off into the darkness in a boat overloaded and only a few inches above the water. That night I slept very well indeed, I always do on board. . In the morning we go ashore to stretch our legs and check out the new sites.
In the little store, we noted the inflated price for a bottle of propane and felt we shouldn’t be cooking either. In the tourist souvenir section, I try really hard to find something I want enough to be willing to pay a premium for it, and finally settle on some postcards. Postcards are a good way of assuring I get quality pictures. In good time we step back into the warm morning sunshine and stroll the manicured Rosario lawns just in time to watch Jaiden petting a deer and scratch its head. After a while, I’m sure I must have said “it’s time to go” but it really wasn’t, it was time to stay.
Click below for a satellite view of Rosario Resort