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Showing posts with label marina. Show all posts

Mar 19, 2022

Friday Harbor Marina Map

       For first-timers to the Friday Harbor Marina, it is really handy to know where your assigned slip is in a maze of fairways and other boaters.

        Even regular visitors can forget where G-dock is or which side are the odd-numbered slips!

Does anyone see the dinghy dock?  (It's at the end of A-dock)

Tip #1  Ask for a slip close to land, that quarter-mile walk gets old real fast!

Tip #2  If your visit includes loading and unloading passengers and gear,  save yourself a long walk and use the loading dock below the marina office. (just motor past the fuel pier) The side-facing land is for public use. The other side is for VIP's

Friday Harbor Marina Map showing slips, slip numbers, fuel, gas dock, and ferry  terminal
Image Courtesy the Port of Friday Harbor
Click on the image for a bigger view.

Click below for Satellite view of Friday Harbor

Roche Harbor Marina Map

Thanks to Roche  Harbor Resort for letting us use their area map, it also shows where the Mausoleum and Sculpture Garden/Park are located.

Our 2019  cruise guide has this updated map and the new  Friday Harbor map as well. It's pretty helpful when getting a slip assignment to be able to
 check the map and know exactly where to go.

2019 - San Juan Island's Cruise guide (at Amazon)

Roche Harbor marina map showing slips, numbers, dinghy dock, fuel dock, stores, anchorage, boat ramp, visitor trails

Roche Harbor marina map

Click below for a satellite view of Roche Harbor

Jul 31, 2020

Use the Friday Harbor Marina Camera

     On the left side of this website is a link to the Friday Harbor Camera. The live camera usually pans back and forth covering most of the marina.

 By watching  the marina camera you can see the weather, the ferry terminal, vacant slips and even see if there are very many boats anchored in the cove.
 If you watch closely you can see at the bottom of the gangway, A-dock, Comm dock, Walkway C and the By-pass dock, all are side tie and available for transient use. (look at the Friday Harbor marina map to get your bearings,     marina map  ) This area is first come first served and is assigned or reserved via the harbor master on ch 66. Looking at the space available and the dinghy dock spaces directly below the gangway will give you a sneak preview of how crowded the marina is.   If you choose to stay at one of these side tie docks you will reduce your walk to shore by about a quarter mile. The Comm dock has electricity.