Some of us when calling (hailing) our good buddy's say the boat name they are calling (usually some descriptive name like "barfing good times for all" or "I think I heard enough already" or this true one "om pa pa - om pa pa" try listening to that three times ) three or four times in a row, and if that's not tedious enough they say it clearly, plainly, slowly, enounciatingly, pronounciatingly, excruciatingly perfect. Enough already again, just say it once, normally -- are you in love with saying the boats name or something? Besides you just talked to them five minutes ago, why should all of us have to listen to your ten minute hailing speech again. And then, all you have to say is something like, "Hey Joe, do you want french or thousand Island dressing?"
Now I know its proper to repeat three times when hailing -- but give it a break.
Here are some pet peeves and tongue in cheek ideas:
- Is your radio set on low power when you call Joe, no one in the next state wants to hear you.
- How about staying on 68 or 69, 71,72, if you're going to keep calling every five minutes.
- If they don't respond, wait awhile longer than thirty seconds before trying again, unless the world is ending it wont matter.
- Try using your cell phone.
- If your making us all listen to your party plans, how about an open invitation.
- Sticky mikes happen a lot, check yours if your not hearing anything. The easiest way is with another radio. (call for a radio check)
- Just say the name once--pleeease, unless it really does sound better to repeat repeat
Okay, I've cooled off some, ranting can be therapy, let's continue.
- Transmit on low power unless, a mayday call (radios have a high/low switch).
- Hail on channel 16 and then agree to switch to 68,69 or others for chit chat.
- Keep your chit chat short, others are waiting and we only have a few channels for recreational use.
- Btw, radio use (all channels) is supposed to be for operational purposes not chit chat and exchanging dinner recipes. This rule is widely ignored,
- Btw, did you know your required to monitor 16 if you have a radio?
- Be polite and concise, then get off.
- Hold the mike close but don't yell.
- You can say over but you dont need to, most know when its over.
- Over.
- Roger.
- Roger dodger.
- Standing by on 16, 69, pins and needles.
I'm good, I'm done.
Click below for a satellite view of Peavine Pass and Blakelys Marina
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