Cutting across the entrance to Hood Canal on our way to Port Ludlow we were suddenly stopped by Coast Guard and Navy patrol boats.
They were all business insisting we stop and wait, the submarine soon came by at about 10 knots, all the the while they kept the patrol boat between us and the sub as if we may be a threat. (or they were camera shy)
The sub had 12 to 15 boats running interference for it as it headed out. All done very efficiently.
BTW afterwards from somewhere we got hit with a big big wake.
Crossing paths with a submarine was an unexpected treat. The next day we cruised up Hood Canal past the Navy base but failed to see anything worth reporting except maybe a huge sign saying lethal force authorized. We kept our distance.
The sub had 12 to 15 boats running interference for it as it headed out. All done very efficiently.
BTW afterwards from somewhere we got hit with a big big wake.
Crossing paths with a submarine was an unexpected treat. The next day we cruised up Hood Canal past the Navy base but failed to see anything worth reporting except maybe a huge sign saying lethal force authorized. We kept our distance.
Click below to see Port Ludlow satellite view
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