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Jul 23, 2013

Butchart Garden by Sea

     Not part of the San Juan's or even the Gulf Islands, Butchart Gardens should be on everyone's bucket list.

         I'll cover some of what I think are important elements for this adventure, but leave your trip planning to you.

  • We stayed at Jones Island the night before as our jump off point, but Roche or Stuart are closer. I wanted to be near to our Haro Strait crossing just in case some weather or other issues came up. Nothing did.
  • We planned our nine mile 1 1/2 hour crossing of Haro Strait to match up with low wind forecasts and slack tide waters.
  • Port of Sidney was our obvious Canada check in place.
  • We did have a Canadian chart in our plotter, a larger scale would have been nice but certainly not worth paying for.
  • You really should have a dinghy or kayak, but a dinghy motor is not needed to paddle a quarter mile or much less from where you anchor.
  • I planned to get to the garden early enough to anchor by 5pm, and then tour on the same day (before dark) and then again after dark.
  • Tod Inlet is big, you will have no problem finding a place to anchor.
  • Coming back, we carefully listened to the weather report for Haro Strait and took off at 6:30 am the next morning to beat out high winds. We never felt any wind or waves.
  • Checking back in at Roche Harbor less than 24 hours after we left was simple and quick.
  • It would have been very easy to extend this Canada visit to multiple days and destinations, but we had other plans back in the San Juans, for us this Butchart visit was simply a quick overnight-er. We will be back.

       The crossing was a cake walk, we followed our gps pointer straight to Sidney. 

 We had no discernible current set to counter, no swell to deal with.  The Port of Sidney customs dock is the first float when you clear the marina breakwater, no other boats were there so we glided in tied up and picked up the phone to check in.  Check in took a few minutes, they asked for our names, ages, boat name, and when we were leaving. Oh, and of course they ask about firearms.  They give you a long number which you write on a piece of paper and tape to your boat window.  That's it, your free to go.
We were in awe at the beauty and flowers at the Sidney Marina, not to mention all the very expensive big yachts.
Old customs phone for checking in at Sidney marina
For customs, just pick up the phone.
More pictures and story>>>
Butchart by Sea continued
Sidney Marina flower baskets
These are the transient docks (at Sidney), so many of the slips are empty

Flower baskets at Sidney marina
Every piling in the marina has flower baskets
I need to vent a little steam.
I can't let go of the fact that the port wanted to charge $12.50 per hour while we walked to the store.
I asked if we anchored and came in with our dinghy, is there a dinghy dock available. They said of course we have a dinghy dock, its $5.00 per hour.  We declined.  I think that's a cheap chintzy attitude and refuse to pay as a matter of principle.  We would gladly have spent lots of money at local businesses in Sidney but we left and never went ashore.

We pushed off, then wormed our way between some little passages paying close attention to Nav. aids and watching out for rocks.   This area is peppered with reefs, I really missed not having a large scale chart. I recommend not making a night time passage in the area just north of Sidney unless you really enjoy stress.

Its only 13 miles around the corner and up Sannich Inlet to Tod Inlet.  We arrived late by most standards and so it was no surprise that the five free Butchart buoys were taken so we just ran a quarter mile further and dropped anchor with the other boats in Tod Inlet.

  We ran back in the dinghy and tied to the free garden dinghy dock. Two minutes later  at the head of the ramp we paid the entrance fee of $32 ea. and then merged in with the rest of the tourists as if we had been there all along and hadn't stepped off the boat minutes earlier.

We toured the gardens in the late afternoon sun, talked about topiary changes the gardeners have made since our last visit, ate $4 soft cones (chocolate), relaxed on the concert lawn enjoying live music, and napped. After dark, we slowly putted back to the boat for wine and a late dinner.
The water that night was absolutely flat, still and quiet, what a great nights sleep on board. This day was what we call a very good day.
flowers at Butchart garden
I'm only showing one flower shot

boating to Butchart Garden
I am intrigued by topiary

Boat cruise to Butchart Garden
and more topiary

Sailing to Butchart Garden
I didn't get a shot of the cougar but these bears are cool

Visiting Butchart Garden by boat
I'm sure I missed some topiary, this guy needs a makeover.

Butchart Garden on San Juan Island trip

cruising to Butchart Garden
Topiary is taking over

Butchart Garden Canada

Butchart Garden Canada
Whats so funny?

Butchart Garden Canada
I know, Roses are flowers

Butchart Garden Canada
Linda is convinced the centers were spray painted to get this unusual look.
 I rubbed one with my finger, and felt guilty, but couldn't tell.

Butchart Garden Canada dinghy dock
Butchart Gardens empty dinghy dock and rear entrance

Butchart Garden Canada
Dinghy dock and five (no charge) buoys. The sun's going down, the water stayed flat.

We left Tod inlet at 6:30 am trying to beat out a high wind forecast in Haro Strait.

 In our haste, we skipped breakfast and made coffee on the run.  Just before noon we checked in with customs at Roche, a distance of about 21 miles. Crossing Haro Strait, we had no wind, no current, no swell, no whales. All in all a pretty nice ho-hum morning.

In contrast, on our  return from Nanaimo a while back, we waited overnight  at Sidney Spit Park in a heavy rain, 

then cast off into soupy fog, the current shoved us sideways as much as we went forward, we almost snagged a black buoy which I  don't know why or what it was for.  We had the fog right up to the customs float at Roche and then the  agent was mean and nasty.

When you plan your trip to Butchart Gardens by sea, consider these ideas.

  • The garden offers a second day entrance for only $3.50 each. You might be able to plan a night and day visit like we do. The night time lights are arranged to not blind you and create an entirely different experience that is well worth the added effort and time.
  • They have a first class restaurant, plus snack bars.
  • Saturday nights (July and August) is a regular fireworks show (same price) and in Tod inlet are some anchor places where you can watch from, but you really should be onshore on the concert lawn for an up close show.
  • You could (we have twice) stay in Victoria and ride the double-decker buses out to the garden.  You can ride one bus from Victoria, spend the day, and come back on a different bus after dark.
  • Don't forget that you must check in with customs before you stop anywhere when entering Canada or the US. (this means you can't swing into a park for lunch) 
  • When heading back to the US, use Sidney Spit park as a jump off or overnight waiting place should you need to. The park has buoys and floats plus shore facilities and hiking.
  • Plan your crossing around the tides (slack water) and weather forecast to maximize your enjoyment, you don't have to beat up yourself, your boat and crew, or take risks to see some flowers.
  • You don't need any Canadian currency at the garden.
  • The best blooms are in early July.

Hopefully I have answered some questions and encouraged you to Visit Butchart Gardens.
It really is easy and very worthwhile.

Click below to see a satellite view of  Butchart Garden Tod Inlet, dinghy dock

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