So far so good, but here's the reminder part. Last week while lowering the dinghy, my cleated lines somehow became loose, I didn't see it in time and the dinghy fell without any braking wraps. I had one hand on a line but was unable to hold it, so it whistled through my grasp taking with it a bunch of my flesh leaving me with a painful rope burn. To add insult, after the dinghy fell I discovered my oars were about to slide out of their poorly knotted lines as well. Some regulars may remember these are the same lines I managed to wrap around the prop at Jones Island last year. I'll save the procrastination post for later.
There are lessons and reminders here.
- Even though I think I tie great knots and cleat well, I failed.
- I should have a redundant tie off system.
This experience got me thinking, what else is about to trip me up?
- loose bolt/nuts
- cotter pins not spread enough
- zincs, corroded fasteners
- belts, hoses, clamps,
- electrical connections, battery condition/quality
- are my flares expired, where is my whistle?
- anchor shackle pin seizing wire
- fuel system, (this is a big potential problem area) fuel stabilizer
- waste system (that reminds me, I think the vent is plugged)
- fresh water chlorination, (oh yeah, forgot that too)
- diesel exhaust smell in the clothes closet, still not addressed!
- hatch seal
- dock lines are still a mish mash of old ropes and one fender is flat
- telescoping boat pole is jammed at five feet
I put this list together in a few minutes, so there is plenty I missed.
No preaching this time, but I hope I got some of you thinking.
If it's broke - don't fix it!