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Mar 9, 2015

Is your boat legal in the San Juan's?

            The answer is yes - probably

If your yacht is legal at home it's legal in the San Juan's, but only for 60 days.  After 60 days you will be expected to leave the state or become compliant.

The laws in Washington State are pretty much the same as where you are coming from.  

boat laws

So you get a free pass for two months, but if your monster has expired tags, (vessel or rig) or you do not have a valid boaters card, you may be subject to re-training and fines.

And that's the way it is!

Let's go boating.

Click below to see a satellite view of  the inner harbor in Victoria


  1. What are the holding tank dumping regs

  2. I'm pretty sure you are not allowed to dump anywhere in Washington or Canada.
    Every marina listed on this blog has pump out facilities.


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