Don't go to Friday Harbor and just stay there. If you do you are missing out. About once an hour the San Juan Transit van/bus picks up and drops off passengers. From the marina, simply walk over to the ferry lanes where cars are waiting to board and look for the small four foot wide island between the waiting lanes and the road.
There's a little sign saying Transit Stop -
that's where you wait.
Look for a schedule on the post. It will tell you when the next bus leaves. For five bucks you can ride anywhere, and for five more you can ride back. For fifteen bucks you can ride all day back and forth everywhere. Kids are cheaper.
The talkative drivers will give you a mini tour guide talk while taking you over to Roche or to whale watch at Lime Kiln.
So, get on the bus, get off somewhere and hang around, get on the next bus, and repeat. When you've had enough, go back to the marina and talk to your neighbor boat people that went nowhere.
Lopez and Orcas transit bus/vans are the same, except with different stops (you think?)
Click here to go to the page with all the schedules and links and much more
Click below to see the >>> Eastsound county dock <<< satellite view
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