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Dec 28, 2015


I have always known the devastating effects of UV radiation.
  How can you miss hearing about it with today's instant internet news.

If you are like me, you have pretty much ignored it though - that is until about ten years back when I had two of my travel trailer tires pop one at a time while on a trip.

On close inspection all four had simply rotted with age.  They had very little miles and virtually all the tread was perfect.

UV radiation is more than just sunshine - it's all daylight all the time.

My trailer boater days run from spring to Christmas, then I change the oil and put the boat away for about 4-5 months.  Now I also cover my tires so I wont be buying new ones.

You can probably get some tire sacks from your local tire store, but I don't like the bright colors and I already had some extra 6 mil plastic.

All I did was cut the plastic into a long enough strip to circle my wheel and then use my desk stapler to close the top leaving an open gap in the back for the axle.

BTW, my covers frustrate cats and dogs too.
uv cover protects rubber from damage
Save your tires - black construction plastic stapled into a bag shape
another cheap  option --  use big black garbage bags

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