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Sep 20, 2021

Where are the mainland Boat Ramps for your San Juan Islands Vacation Cruise?

          Taking your boat for a camping vacation cruise isn't expensive or difficult if you know the places to go and what to do.

 If you're going to camp on the boat or on shore, I recommend that you start out in Bellingham or Deception Pass State Park.  But if you need or want a campground with a launch ramp for your home base, you should reserve a site at Washington Park in Anacortes.

Boat ramps with parking:

#1  Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham  -  unlimited free parking, fresh water rinse hoses, guest docks, restaurants, nice showers (you will be glad you began and ended your trip here) 

      • (updated 10/1/21) I just became aware that Squalicum Harbor has changed their free parking to FIVE days maximum. This is bad news for some of us that like to take 7-10 day cruises. I recommend calling them.  Cornet Bay requires payment but at least has longer parking.

#2  Cornet Bay at Deception Pass State Park -  lots of pay to park, guest docks, nice place to hang out before, after and during your vacation. Only minutes from Anacortes.

#3  La Conner (south end of Swinomish Channel) single lane city ramp, float, on street parking, cheap fees, nearby guest docks. Current to deal with.

#4  Washington Park in Anacortes  -  limited pay parking, double ramps with float but open to swell and waves from Geumes Channel,  no guest docks,  very nice on site campground, easy bike ride or hike to ferry.

#5  Twin Bridges (north end Swinomish Channel) County ramp, limited pay parking, small float that's dry at low tide, security risk area  NOTE: It's just a little further to La Conner and well worth it!

#6  Oak Harbor  -  free ramp, $2/day parking, guest docks nearby, full marina services nearby, long walk to town!  long ways to San Juans for slow boats.

#7  Cap Sante in Anacortes should not be listed because they have a sling, not a ramp, Cap Sante would be a second choice if you want to sling your boat in. Guest docks and big RV or trailer pay parking lot. (you can spend a lot of bucks here)

Note: Taking your boat and trailer by ferry to the islands is probably a bad idea because ramps and parking are inferior or not available.  However, launching a skiff you can muscle around off the beach at a county park with no float is very doable.

San JUan Islands map showing boat ramps at Cornet Bay, Squalicum Harbor, Twin Bridges, Oak Harbor, Washington Park, La Conner,

Click on picture to make it bigger!
For first timers, see articles titled  "San Juan Islands for First Timers"
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Click below for a satellite view of Squalicum Harbor

1 comment:

  1. Great article. We always launch in WA park for our weekend trips from seattle but I always think about Bellingham. Seems further but maybe it's not. The free parking maybe worth it.


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