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Feb 20, 2020

When is a bumper a fender?

baby seal fender


       Sometimes I run out of useful boating and San Juan stuff to write, this is one of those times.

I have always thought when I heard someone say bumpers when they meant fenders, that they simply aren't as nautical as they could be.

       I came across a statement that I have no idea if it is valid, but sounds good, so I'm going to repeat it here. 

Here goes. 

"A fender is loose and may be moved around where as a bumper is permanently attached."

       So, those horizontal fenders I see lashed, nailed or knotted permanently on the sides of some slips, floats and even a few swim platforms and dinghies too, are actually bumpers.

And those funny looking hanging steps are neither.

Just something to ponder.

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