San Juan Island, Travel Guide, Books, Itineraries, Maps, Charts, Marine Parks, Docks, Camping, Cruising, Boating, Sailing. Places to go. Things to do. Pictures, Reviews, Moorages, Friday Harbor, Roche Harbor, Ramps. Juan de Fuca, Deception Pass, Jones, James, Stuart, Sucia, Whale Watching, Matia, Patos, Swinomish, Rosario, Best Hikes, Lime Kiln, biking, kayak, State Park, tours, weather, tide forecasts
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Feb 14, 2024
San Juan Islands map and milage chart
Jan 2, 2024
Cruise the San Juan Islands – Sample Itinerary, Trip Plan, Vacation Guide
"Where are the best places to go or best things
to do in the San Juan's?"
This website is a compilation of our travels in five sailboats and two trawlers spanning three decades.
Along the way we published a cruising guide, “San Juan Islands Cruise Guide,” followed later with a Land and Sea Guidebook, “San Juan Islands Travel Guide.” My goal for this website and these books is to help boaters, travelers, sailors, and families enjoy the good times we have enjoyed for many years.
What is the best five-day itinerary? That's like asking what's the best color. But there are certain things that our experience and local knowledge will help with. Sometimes, one just needs a little push in the right direction to get on the right tack, so to speak. It is impossible in an essay or article to cover everything important to everybody or all the possible places to go. However, this website does cover every state park, every county park, every public dock, and much much more.
You will find many links to pictures and specific posts, all composed for San Juan Island boaters. Be sure, while reading to click the links and follow your interests. Be sure to use the search box at the top of this page on the left side.
You're invited!
To help you muddle through this dilemma and provide some interesting reading, please come along with us on our summer cruise in the San Juan Islands. Of course, you will be taking your own boat since ours is full.
Sometimes when we plan a vacation trip to the San Juan's, we try to make a great circle route because it saves time and resources. But this time we're going to decide where we go, as we go. We will see how that non-plan works out. Certain people on the boat have expressed a desire for hot showers, I guess we will see how that works out too. Since we may travel all the way across the San Juan's and back, your boat will need a minimum 75-mile range. Fuel is readily available everywhere but smart skippers figure one-third of the miles out, one-third back, and a third as a cushion. If your fuel tank is a little small you can tie a five-gallon can on deck. Knowing you have reserve fuel will ease anxious thoughts and ensure you have a great visit. Shall we also assume that you have a seaworthy vessel with all safety gear? If not, correct it before we head out, or stay home. Life jackets for all
Plan as we go itinerary:
Cornet Bay Launch Ramps |
Let's begin at Cornet Bay in Deception Pass Park.
Nov 19, 2023
Cruising, camping and wok cooking in the San Juan Islands
Do you use a wok at home? How about on the boat or camping on shore? Okay, that was easy, what about cooking on your propane fire pit? Hot dogs and marshmallows don't count.
Tossing stir fry in wok. |
I am certainly not a cook, chef, or even someone who barbecues but I have become completely sold on woks and open flames. About five years ago while camping, one of our group said, "Shall we stir fry dinner?" He then pulled out a round wok and inserted a three-foot-long broken-off shovel handle into the wok's hollow metal handle. Using a paper towel he wiped off the inside, squirted in some canola oil, and held it in the campfire flames. Out of the cooler came baggies full of chopped veggies, fish, and chicken. The wok was smoking hot by the time we had paper plates organized. I still remember the sizzle as the first of the chicken went in. A minute later chopped carrots, chestnuts, mushrooms, sprouts, noodles, etc, etc. He cooked one large plate at a time almost as fast as we could load them up. It was very, very good and really hit the spot considering it was early spring and we were all freezing and trying to stay warm.
When I got home from the trip, the first thing I did was find myself a wok at an Asian cookery store. I chose a 14" thin, lightweight wok with a hollow metal handle, $13.99. Five minutes with an angle grinder and my old broken handle slid neatly (jammed) into the wok's handle. I couldn't wait to go camping and stir-fry something.
That summer the drought continued and open fires were banned once again so our fire consisted of our propane fire pit. Of course, I had to try the wok and it worked. In fact, it works better with the fire pit than the open campfire because the flame height is easily adjusted. Plus the open fire tends to smoke and burn the chef. I made two modifications, greatly improving the system. I bought a three-legged folding stand that is ten inches high. The stand is for campfires but fits in my fire pit perfectly. I also found three scraps of stainless sheet flashing about 6 x 8 inches that I lean against the stand to act as a chimney and wind stopper. Before I used the wind stopper, the flames lazily blew around, afterward they concentrated under the wok getting much hotter, much faster.
That's it, I stir fry, make popcorn, and cook in the cockpit, or on the dock, or in camp. I plan to make another, shorter handle before our next boat trip. Overall the wok and handle is about four feet, and our cock pit is about four feet so I am banging into things and people. I think about two feet overall should do it. The wok gets sooty and smudgy so I keep everything in a drawstring bag I made out of old dirty sailcloth.
To take this picture I had to set the wok down so the potstickers immediately began burning. |
Unlike the store-bought ##ffy pop version, I get excellent results in a couple minutes, see the stand and the flame deflectors leaning against it? |
Sizzling stir fry is on the menu in Krakens cockpit while anchored in Fisherman Bay. |
I clean up with soap and water and scour with salt. Reheat a little to dry and then lightly re-oil. Or if it looks okay, I just oil it inside and out and put it back in the sack.
Sep 26, 2023
How to Navigate the Strong Currents and Dangerous Waves of Deception Pass
Deception Pass is located in Deception Pass State Park in Washington. It is notorious for strong tidal currents and swirling eddies and is the starting point for many going to the San Juan Islands
The pass can be treacherous for boaters and kayakers. But in reality, it is not much different than Cattle Pass, Thatcher Pass or Peavine Pass. Here are some tips for navigating safely.
Looking inbound at what actually is two separate bridges.You can see narrow slot of Canoe Pass on left side, Deception Pass on right side. |
Deception Pass is very narrow, but only narrow for a short section directly under the bridge. Consequently, the high current speed and accompanying swirlies and waves are confined.
Aug 10, 2023
Fifteen Best, Must See Destinations and Hikes Not to Miss When Cruising or Visiting the San Juan Islands
Friday Harbor - Turtleback Mountain - Jones Island - Roche Harbor - Youngs Hill - Turn Point Lighthouse - China Caves - Matia Island Rain Forest Trail - Patos Island Lighthouse Tour - Inati Bay & Lummi Island Campground - Vendovi Island Preserve - Eagle Bluff On Cypress - Fort Whitman On Goat Island - Rosario Beach & The Maiden of Deception Pass - Victoria & Butchart Gardens
These are special places to go and great things to do that our years of cruising have rewarded us with. Some of the very best places are walks or hikes that are off the beaten path and seldom visited. I have listed them in somewhat of a great circle to help you stay oriented, but you will not be able to visit all of them in one day. I suggest that you mark them on a paper map or chart for later reference.
Check out these places too. Not really must see places but still wonderful exploring and gunkholing places. little coves and back doors
Jul 26, 2023
Anchoring Woes and Paying it Forward
My regular anchoring hole at Fisherman Bay is off to the side at the second turn of the entrance channel. I like to anchor there because it is a short dinghy run out to the public beach access for Lopez Village and is in a semi-wind shadow due to the small bluff on shore.
I am truly embarrassed to tell my part in this mini-story because I know better and still did everything wrong.
We arrived late in the afternoon after exploring Watmough Bay and the southern tip of Lopez.
During the night the tide came in and was back out in the morning. We took the dinghy to the village. It was a minus tide and we had a terrible time pulling/dragging
There was no struggle this time we simply shoved off and headed for Kraken except Kraken was not where I left her. Before panic could set in I spotted her several hundred feet further into Fisherman Bay,
Jul 14, 2023
San Juans Itinerary for a Nine Day Trip
Suggested Itineraries for a first time boat trip to the
San Juan Islands
(Updated (2014) alternate itinerary with Echo Bay and Sucia Island as 1st stop)
click here Sucia Trip Intinerary
(For a shorter itinerary on your first cruise and with different island stopovers (click here)
This article is designed to get you
going on that first boating sailing trip to the San Juan Islands in Washington
You may want to follow this link and take a quick look at the detailed marine parks list and then come back to the suggested itinerary below,
Jul 13, 2023
Planning your San Juan Island's cruise is as easy as two things.
Many moons and several magnificent sunsets had passed when I finally embarked on the grand adventure of planning a summer trip to the enchanting San Juan Islands.
However, fate had a different plan in store for me. Due to circumstances, we found ourselves without a vessel.
I diligently checked and greased the bearings, stepped and un-stepped the mast, and on the eve of our departure, I hurriedly took her for a test run in the river to gauge the motor's performance.
Still undeterred, we continued our voyage under sail, finally anchoring at Pelican Beach on Cypress Island.
Reflecting upon this adventure, it became evident to me that setting a firm departure date was the catalyst that made the trip possible.
So, my advice to all you dreamers longing for a San Juan vacation cruise is simple yet crucial:
Easy Itinerary for a spur of the moment cruise
Fast track to the San Juans
Friday Harbor Marina Click below for a satellite view of Friday Harbor |
Jun 15, 2023
What is the Best Dinghy for Cruisers in the San Juan Islands? The Dinghy Dilemma!
We all know asking "What's the best dinghy" is a loaded question;
In keeping with this blogs purpose to help first timers get to the San Juans, lets talk reality.
Here are ten or more irrefutable truths about dinghies.
- You must have a dinghy to go ashore at most parks because you can't count on there being room at the dock. Many docks have room for only four boats. Many parks have no dock.
- You don't need a dinghy if you only go to resorts and marinas.
- You will probably tow your dinghy everywhere you go.
- You may not use it at all (it at makes you wish you left it home).
- If you need it you will be thankful you brought it with you.
- There is no place you will go that you can't drag your dinghy along.
- Dinghies may be major status symbols among some groups.
- Towing a dinghy slows you down and uses fuel
- You may run over your tow line and foul your prop or rudder (use a floating tow line).
- Certain people have a hard time climbing into or out of a dinghy alongside their boat.
- Children need a dinghy.
In the summer season, you probably won't see any big dinghy capsizing waves, but storms and adverse winds can churn up anywhere anytime.
Our Livingston dinghy is nine feet long and a tad bit overloaded |
This inflatable was $69 and holds two people |
This inflatable stows on deck, or deflated stows below and carries three people. |
If you have children that take off with the dinghy, they are effectively leaving you stranded on the boat or ashore.
Several years past I sent my bored and restless son (in the dinghy) to shore at dusk, telling him to invite himself to one of the many campfires we could see from the boat. He met some other boaters with kids and before you know it it was after 10:00 pm and very dark. His mother and I started to wonder what to do as we were stranded and had no way to communicate with him. After a few minutes, I took a strong flashlight and blinked it into the darkness in the direction we thought he was last seen. A short while later he appeared at our transom asking if we wanted him or something. This little non-event made me realize how handy a second dinghy would be, so we bought an inflatable kayak to stow below, just in case.
I'm selling the new sailing dinghy
update on converting the 9' Livingston dinghy to sailing
>> go to the do-it-yourself page and scroll way way way down to see the finished conversion << The dinghy conversion section is before the Bimini top on the cheap instructions and after the Boat acronyms if that helps you find it.Livingston dinghy sailing conversion
another dinghy update. Last winter I plunked down about a grand in boat bucks and bought a new inflatable.
My criteria were as follows.
Testing complete, we deflated our new dinghy, rolled it up, and headed for the San Juans.
Jun 1, 2023
How to Plan an Unforgettable San Juan Islands Vacation Cruise
Embarking on any adventure begins with making a firm decision to go and setting the date. Follow these easy steps for the boat trip of a lifetime.
1. Setting the Perfect Date:
2. Where to Start:
3. Trailering Boat Arrival Options:
4. Rest After Travel:
but their usefulness as a full-time dinghy substitute is still uncertain.
5. Planning Your Itinerary:
6. Additional Excursions:
San Juan Islands trip. While reservations aren't necessary, make sure to carry your passports
for re-entry into the US.
Easy Five Island - Ten Stopover Itinerary:
Day 1: Launch at Cornet Bay in Deception Pass Park, spend the night at the transient dock.
Day 2: Run to Jones Island, spend the night at anchor or dock.
Day 3: Run to English Camp, hike up Young Hill, have lunch at Roche Harbor, and return to Jones.
Day 4: Run to Friday Harbor, have lunch and showers, buy groceries, and return to Jones.
Day 5: Run to Stuart, hike to the lighthouse, and dock or anchor for the night.
Day 6: Run to Sucia, anchor or dock for the night in Fossil Bay, and hike to China Caves and Ewing Cove.
Day 7: Swing by Pelican Beach On Cypress and/or Saddlebag Island for a short hike, run through Swinomish Channel, have lunch at La Conner, and arrive in time for a beautiful Sunset back at Deception Pass, spend the last night at the Cornet Bay dock.
If you really want to take advantage of tides and currents, consider this guide
Apr 24, 2023
I signed up with ChatGPT
Not sure, but I think this is not artificial intelligence.
I still have high hopes and expectations.
At first, I thought, oh-boy, ChatGPT can write articles about the San Juan’s for me so I jumped in without any idea what to do or how to do it.
I randomly chose James Island for my experiment and entered into the chat box, “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”
I have pasted below the exact response created. Please take note, there are a bunch of errors and inaccurate reporting’s. Those of us familiar with James will spot the egregious miss-information right away. At the end of the essay, I noted some mistakes.
My Instructions for ChatGPT: “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”
James Island State Park is a breathtaking destination located in the state of Washington. The park, which spans 554 acres, is situated on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, offering visitors stunning views of the Olympic Mountains and the surrounding islands. In this essay, we will explore the history, features, and attractions of James Island State Park.
The History of James Island State Park
James Island State Park has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. The island was initially used as a quarantine station for people with communicable diseases, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. In 1918, the United States Public Health Service took control of the island and built a hospital to treat patients with these diseases.
The island's ownership changed hands several times over the years, with the state of Washington acquiring it in 1978. The state then designated it as a state park in 1993, opening it up to the public.
Features of James Island State Park
James Island State Park is a unique destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and amenities. The park is home to a vast network of trails that wind through old-growth forests, meadows, and along the shoreline. Visitors can explore the park's natural beauty by hiking, biking, or horseback riding.
The park's shoreline is also a popular attraction, with a long sandy beach perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing. Visitors can also enjoy boating and fishing in the surrounding waters, which are abundant with marine life.
The park has several picnic areas, complete with picnic tables and barbeque pits, making it a great spot for a family outing or a gathering with friends. The park also has a playground and a basketball court, providing visitors with even more recreational opportunities.
Attractions at James Island State Park
One of the main attractions at James Island State Park is the historic lighthouse, which was built in 1918 to guide ships through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The lighthouse is not open to the public, but visitors can view it from the shore or from the water.
Another popular attraction at the park is the James Island Marine State Park Campground. The campground has 12 campsites, all of which are located on the water's edge, offering stunning views of the surrounding islands and mountains. The campsites are equipped with picnic tables, fire pits, and vault toilets, providing visitors with a comfortable camping experience.
In conclusion, James Island State Park is a beautiful destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and attractions. From its historic lighthouse to its sandy beaches, the park has something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a relaxing day on the beach or an adventurous hike through the forest, James Island State Park is sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience.
Okay, where do I start? After quickly reading the disappointing results I re-did (re-submitted) my instructions with no changes and got a different but also error prone yet nicely written essay that challenged my recent memory of James Island.
I’ll list some mistakes.
1. No lighthouse, nada, none, major goof
2. Water’s edge campsites ??? maybe water view is a better choice.
3. Breathtaking stunning views of Olympic Mountains, not sure but doubtful there is any view . I'll take a look next time I'm there.
4. Situated on Strait of Juan de Fuca, no, Rosario Strait.
5. Hospital for quarantine, this was way before I was born but where is the old foundation or pilings.
6. Vast trail network, no, there are some trails but vast is a huge stretch.
7. Biking is not going to happen, neither is horseback riding.
8. Playground and basketball court, again, no such thing on James.
Okay, that’s enough. When I re-submitted, I got some more goofy information. But, after much more submission tweaking and some obvious subtractions, I got a reasonable essay or article suitable for reading.
I did similar test submissions for other favorite San Juan locations and got pretty much the same poor results. Since ChatGPT searches the internet for its information, I must assume that this bad error prone text is out there potentially misleading all of us. The scary part is that the ChatGPT writing is actually good, making the misinformation very believable.
I am sure I will rewrite this short-sighted impulse driven post, but I think for the time being we should be careful what we believe lest we go looking for a lighthouse that is not there.
Meanwhile you can search James Island in this sites home page search box and get some actual real first hand information you can use right now. Most likely this post will come up first in the results - oops!
Apr 1, 2023
The day Kraken nearly sank at the ramp
The Day Kraken Nearly Sank at the Ramp
First, I started the motor. Then, I flipped on all the switches, checked for water exiting the exhaust, and gave the manual bilge pump a couple of precautionary strokes.
I called out to Linda, my ever-steady partner, and told her to hold everything. “We’re taking on water. We need to get Kraken back on the trailer immediately,”
“I hear water running.”
Without a moment’s hesitation,
I flipped off the water pump switch, and just like that, the stream of water ceased. Relief washed over me as swiftly as the panic had set in. The trip wasn’t over after all—though we’d likely pumped all our fresh water overboard in the chaos.
When we returned home, I replaced the broken filter and vowed to prevent this from happening again.
That winter, I installed a lightbulb beneath the sink to keep the chill at bay.
Click below to see a satellite view of Obstruction Pass
Mar 30, 2023
Quick distance chart from where you are to where you want to be in the San Juan Islands
Every skipper needs to know how far it is from A to B.
Here's a handy chart with the work already done, the distances are via the shortest route.
![]() |
Note: The shortest route may not be the fastest or best route when currents and other issues are taken into account! These numbers are approximate, and were derived by simply clicking "measure route" on a chart. Since making this chart I have come across several u-tube videos with distances that don't agree with mine. Be sure to not rely on others and do your own calculations. When you are rushing from place to place, be very careful around unfamiliar surroundings so that you don't get a surprise. The best advice is to slow down and keep watch. Follow this link to learn of some shockers. > Eight nasty surprises |
Feb 25, 2023
Boat Ramps Parks of the San Juan Islands
Map of the San Juan Island Area
Most docks (floats) are in parks, resorts, marinas and may be used for overnight camping. Boat launching ramps have long-term parking. Parks without docks have anchor buoys or areas suitable for anchoring.
The facilities listed, are in my opinion, most useful for cruisers, which means lots of private resorts are not shown because they don't cater to transient boaters.
Click on the picture and then enlarge it to see dot colors better!