Explore the San Juan Islands with expert guides, detailed maps, and comprehensive boating itineraries. Learn how to utilize the tides and currents to your advantage. Discover the best parks for camping, anchoring, and hiking. Experience the charm of Friday Harbor and Roche Harbor, then relax in a tranquil, secluded cove for the perfect getaway.

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Apr 24, 2023

I signed up with ChatGPT

Not sure, but I think this is not artificial intelligence.


I still have high hopes and expectations.

At first, I thought, oh-boy, ChatGPT can write articles about the San Juan’s for me so I jumped in without any idea what to do or how to do it.

I randomly chose James Island for my experiment and entered into the chat box, “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”

I have pasted below the exact response created. Please take note, there are a bunch of errors and inaccurate reporting’s. Those of us familiar with James will spot the egregious miss-information right away. At the end of the essay, I noted some mistakes.

My Instructions for ChatGPT: “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”


James Island State Park is a breathtaking destination located in the state of Washington. The park, which spans 554 acres, is situated on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, offering visitors stunning views of the Olympic Mountains and the surrounding islands. In this essay, we will explore the history, features, and attractions of James Island State Park.

The History of James Island State Park

James Island State Park has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. The island was initially used as a quarantine station for people with communicable diseases, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. In 1918, the United States Public Health Service took control of the island and built a hospital to treat patients with these diseases.

The island's ownership changed hands several times over the years, with the state of Washington acquiring it in 1978. The state then designated it as a state park in 1993, opening it up to the public.

Features of James Island State Park

James Island State Park is a unique destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and amenities. The park is home to a vast network of trails that wind through old-growth forests, meadows, and along the shoreline. Visitors can explore the park's natural beauty by hiking, biking, or horseback riding.

The park's shoreline is also a popular attraction, with a long sandy beach perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing. Visitors can also enjoy boating and fishing in the surrounding waters, which are abundant with marine life.

The park has several picnic areas, complete with picnic tables and barbeque pits, making it a great spot for a family outing or a gathering with friends. The park also has a playground and a basketball court, providing visitors with even more recreational opportunities.

Attractions at James Island State Park

One of the main attractions at James Island State Park is the historic lighthouse, which was built in 1918 to guide ships through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The lighthouse is not open to the public, but visitors can view it from the shore or from the water.

Another popular attraction at the park is the James Island Marine State Park Campground. The campground has 12 campsites, all of which are located on the water's edge, offering stunning views of the surrounding islands and mountains. The campsites are equipped with picnic tables, fire pits, and vault toilets, providing visitors with a comfortable camping experience.


In conclusion, James Island State Park is a beautiful destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and attractions. From its historic lighthouse to its sandy beaches, the park has something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a relaxing day on the beach or an adventurous hike through the forest, James Island State Park is sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Okay, where do I start? After quickly reading the disappointing results I re-did (re-submitted) my instructions with no changes and got a different but also error prone yet nicely written essay that challenged my recent memory of James Island.

I’ll list some mistakes.

1. No lighthouse, nada, none, major goof

2. Water’s edge campsites ??? maybe water view is a better choice.

3. Breathtaking stunning views of Olympic Mountains, not sure but doubtful there is any view . I'll take a look next time I'm there.

4. Situated on Strait of Juan de Fuca, no, Rosario Strait.

5. Hospital for quarantine, this was way before I was born but where is the old foundation or pilings.

6. Vast trail network, no, there are some trails but vast is a huge stretch.

7. Biking is not going to happen, neither is horseback riding.

8. Playground and basketball court, again, no such thing on James.

Okay, that’s enough. When I re-submitted, I got some more goofy information. But, after much more submission tweaking and some obvious subtractions, I got a reasonable essay or article suitable for reading.

I did similar test submissions for other favorite San Juan locations and got pretty much the same poor results. Since ChatGPT searches the internet for its information, I must assume that this bad error prone text is out there potentially misleading all of us. The scary part is that the ChatGPT writing is actually good, making the misinformation very believable.

I am sure I will rewrite this short-sighted impulse driven post, but I think for the time being we should be careful what we believe lest we go looking for a lighthouse that is not there.

Meanwhile you can search James Island in this sites home page search box and get some actual real first hand information you can use right now. Most likely this post will come up first in the results - oops!

Click below for a satellite view of James Island State Park

Apr 1, 2023

The day Kraken nearly sank at the ramp

We began taking on water and then panic set in

It was the first boat trip of the year, following an unrelenting and bitterly cold winter. Kraken, our steadfast vessel, had endured the season on her trailer, tethered to shore power with two electric heaters standing guard against the frost. Eager to embark on the long-awaited adventure, I followed my usual launch routine. After backing her down the ramp, launching smoothly, and tying off to the float, I set to work.

Kraken at the float with Christmas Snowmen display on the roof

First, I started the motor. Then, I flipped on all the switches, checked for water exiting the exhaust, and gave the manual bilge pump a couple of precautionary strokes.

 That’s when I noticed something unusual. Eight hearty pulls on the pump produced nearly half a gallon of water per stroke before it finally sucked air. "No big deal," I thought. "It’s probably just rainwater that collected in the bilge over the winter."

Reassured, I tidied the dash, switched on the sounder and radio, and prepared to enjoy the trip ahead. But curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to test the bilge pump one more time. To my horror, another eight to ten strokes brought forth a steady stream of water. My stomach dropped. This wasn’t residual rainwater—we were actively taking on water. Nearly ten gallons had already made its way in. The realization hit me like a cold wave: We’re sinking. Our trip was over before it even began.

I called out to Linda, my ever-steady partner, and told her to hold everything. “We’re taking on water. We need to get Kraken back on the trailer immediately,” 

I said, adrenaline coursing through me. I turned off the motor, grabbed the truck keys, and prepared to haul her out. In the sudden hush, Linda’s voice cut through: 

“I hear water running.”

Her words stopped me in my tracks. She opened the cabinet door beneath the sink, and there it was—water streaming down the inside of the hull. It was three or four feet above the waterline, an odd place for a leak to emerge. Something wasn’t adding up. Leaning closer, Linda pointed to the source: “It’s coming from the water filter.”

Without a moment’s hesitation,

 I flipped off the water pump switch, and just like that, the stream of water ceased. Relief washed over me as swiftly as the panic had set in. The trip wasn’t over after all—though we’d likely pumped all our fresh water overboard in the chaos.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered the culprit: the water filter canister under the sink had splintered at the bottom, likely a casualty of the winter freeze. With the fresh water tank now dry, our onboard supply was gone, but thankfully, we had an extra five-gallon container with us. We made do and carried on with our trip, albeit with a newfound appreciation for preparation.

When we returned home, I replaced the broken filter and vowed to prevent this from happening again. 

That winter, I installed a lightbulb beneath the sink to keep the chill at bay.

I’m not sharing this story to impart any profound message or lesson. It simply makes me chuckle now—how a seemingly routine launch escalated into a nerve-wracking ordeal before turning into a small adventure we’ll never forget. Sometimes, the scariest moments on the water make for the best tales once you’re safely ashore.

Click below to see a satellite view of   Obstruction Pass

Mar 30, 2023

Quick distance chart from where you are to where you want to be in the San Juan Islands

   Every skipper needs to know how far it is from A to B.

      Here's a handy chart with the work already done, the distances are via the shortest route.

                                  First published 7/30/2016   

Chart showing distance in miles between the san Juan's popular stops

Note: The shortest route may not be the fastest or best route when currents and other issues are taken into account!
These numbers are approximate, and were derived by simply clicking "measure route" on a chart. Since making this chart I have come across several u-tube videos with distances that don't agree with  mine. Be sure to not rely on others and do your own calculations. 

When you are rushing from place to place, be very careful around unfamiliar surroundings so that you don't get a surprise.  The best advice is to slow down and keep watch.  Follow this link to learn of some shockers.  > Eight nasty surprises

Feb 25, 2023

Boat Ramps Parks of the San Juan Islands

Map of the San Juan Island Area

With selected Parks, Docks, and Trailer Boat Ramps

Map of the San Juan Islands showing launching ramps, parks and docks for all your boating needs

 •  Boat Ramps = Purple    Parks = Red  •  Docks = Green

Most docks (floats) are in parks, resorts, marinas and may be used for overnight camping.

 Boat launching ramps have long-term parking.  Parks without docks have anchor buoys or areas suitable for anchoring.

The facilities listed, are in my opinion, most useful for cruisers, which means lots of private resorts are not shown because they don't cater to transient boaters.

Click on the picture and then enlarge it to see dot colors better!

Note on trip planning:

I don't recommend taking your boat on a ferry and launching somewhere in the islands.  However if you must, there are county ramps on all four  islands served by the ferries except Shaw.  Many private resorts have ramps but they are inferior at best, nonfunctional at worst. The one exception is Jackson Beach Park  (Port of Friday Harbor) near Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. Jackson has a good double ramp and float and you can park for free up to 72 hours.

The mainland ramps I recommend are Washington Park, Deception Pass Park or Squalicum Harbor (#1 choice most trips is Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham)

Dec 23, 2022

What happens when a big boat drags anchor and slams into you?

      The quick answer is, "Nothing good." This is a short synopsis of what happened to us one 4th of July in the San Juan Islands at Roche Harbor 

Full marina on the 4th of July at Roche Harbor in the San Juan Islands

     In about thirty minutes the Roche Harbor staff will be lowering the flags and firing the cannon. 

Several times in past years, circumstances or poor planning have caused me to miss the ceremony. The firing of the cannon is what I really want to see. The belching smoke, the jagged dagger of flame, the explosive echo’s ricocheting across Roche Harbor. I anticipate a fantastic kick off for my best fireworks ever. Finally, the stars have aligned for me, and on the fourth of July at that. This is already a great trip. The kids will stay on the boat while Linda and I paddle ashore.  The lowering of the flags and cannon firing will be at sundown.

      I am in the cockpit tending to the dinghy, anxiously waiting to leave. When I look over at the boat anchored near us, I sense that it looks different. It is about thirty-five or forty feet long and easily over fifteen feet tall at the upper bridge.  The wind has been steadily increasing for the past hour and I suspect this apartment size power boat is catching the wind and straining at the anchor lines which would make him appear to move a little closer to us. I ask Linda, “Do you think that boat is getting closer?” As I’m watching, I become sure it is half the distance it was when I first noticed. Now I know for sure, we have a problem, the boat is only ten feet away. There is nothing I can do. The other boats anchor has broken out and it is dragging into us. The last ten feet closes rapidly, and suddenly he is against us. I hold him off long enough to grab a fender and place it between us saving us both from damage. I am yelling and banging on his hull with my fist trying to get their attention, but Linda tells me she saw all of them leave earlier. 

Nov 11, 2022

Eight places in the San Juans where you should watch for shallow water, reefs and rocks

     "I only worry near shore because that is 

where the shallow water is." 

Okay, I don't remember exactly what I read but you get the idea.  In the San Juan's we are pretty much always near shore (it's not that big an area) so should we worry all the time?  No! We should pay attention using our heads and our tools.

      All the rocks, reefs and shallows are marked on charts, the especially egregious places have buoys, signs, sticks and posts out in the water.  

 Of course with storms, high tides, poor maintenance, things go missing, so we are back to paying attention and using the old noggin.

       Once not too long ago we were motoring in flat mirror perfect water at about 7 knots in twenty feet of depth.  Up ahead I saw a disturbance (some itty bitty ripples) I glanced at my chart plotter and saw nothing alarming, nevertheless as we neared the ripples I braked and prepared to go full astern.

         While watching the depth gauge,  suddenly -- there it was -- the depth dropped to six and then four -- and we came to a halt. (no we didn't hit) I stopped, turned and went around the shallow spot.

Worst places in the San Juans for rocks and running aground
on watch

Here is a list of potential problem spots where you could easily relax your vigilance and get hurt.

read more - click here

Nov 6, 2022

Top Things to do and Places to go in the San Juan Islands

Explore hidden coves  and discover the best things to do in your boat while cruising the Salish Sea  

The difference between a truly wonderful vacation and a ho-hum boat ride is the memorable experiences and special places visited along the way.  These are some of our favorite haunts and things to do.  Maybe some will become your favorites as well.  

Matia Island one-mile loop trail

  This easy one-mile loop immerses you deeply into the shaded forest the minute you take your first steps. Towering trees, oversized ferns, and thick mosses line the trail.  Our first walk many years ago was so serene and calming that even our young kids were quiet and talked in whispers.  Matia Island pictorial

Pygmy deer on Jones Island  

The northwest is full of wildlife and deer are everywhere, or so it seems sometimes.  However, apparently, the many deer on Jones Island have developed to a much smaller size. Even the older bucks with big racks are only about waist-high.  Many of the deer are tame, and some are downright annoying.  One time a deer met me at the water's edge as I came ashore in the dinghy.   Several times deer have joined us around our campfires looking for handouts and letting the kids rub their heads and pet them.  I remember once a spike kept crowding too close to the fire, he was intent on getting at a bag of corn curls. It is against park rules to feed the animals so I don't know how they learned to expect treats from boaters.  Jones Island deer

Deception Pass State Park

While Deception Pass isn't located within San Juan County, any boating enthusiast would be remiss not to include it in their cruising itinerary. In fact, Cornet Bay, with its well-facilitated ramp, serves as a prime launch point for those embarking on their nautical adventures. But, here's a piece of advice – don't just launch and rush through; take the time to savor the breathtaking scenery.

Consider planning part of your voyage around the four daily occurrences of slack tide. At slack tide, the turbulent waters temporarily calm, providing an excellent opportunity for exploration. A mere quarter-mile beyond the pass, still within the park's boundaries, you'll discover Sharpe Cove. Here, you can moor your vessel at the floating dock, and at the head of the ramp stands the remarkable Maiden of Deception Pass.

Maiden of Deception Pass at Sharpe Cove

Oct 14, 2022

Leaving for La Conner this morning!

New Bombay 31 motor sailor anchored at Cypress Island in the San Juan Islands
Windrose, aka "Rosey" has made it to the San Juans
Windrose aka Rosey is peacefully anchored at Jones Island in the San Juan Islands
In good company anchored at Jones Island

I wrote this post ten years ago.  It is about a tsunami-damaged boat we rescued following the Fukushima Japan earthquake of 2011.  Windrose was pummeled but not quite sunk as her slip was destroyed around her in 

Crescent City, CA.

As I write this post, Rosey's journey back is finally almost complete.  

Today will be another white knuckle trip up the interstate for six hours, and then Monday we will be slinging her into Swinomish Channel.  After a day or so rigging we will be heading to Hood Canal to visit Camp Parsons Boy Scout Camp to pick up our son. Next week we expect to make it to San Juan Island with three bicycles on board so we can do a little bike riding. Right now I am preparing to download some tide forecasts and somehow appease the fog gods to lay off the Strait of Juan De Fuca. I'm still short a trusted GPS, the radar is not tested, and my brand new Humminbird was shipped off for repairs and won't be back in time. So we will be dependent on our eyes, good looks, and the antique spinning sounder that makes a whirring sound. I think we will be just fine, but don't count on us to make any appointments on time, which is what I would say if we were on a modern newer boat with all systems functioning.


Read about Rosey here  > Rosey's first trip after arriving at her new home in the San Juans

Read about Rosey's tsunami nightmare and repair here  >  Bombay Pilothouse Project

Sep 17, 2022

Visit Olga on Orcas Island and ride your bikes up Mt Constitution or Moran Park

Olga offered us an empty dock, 

so we gladly accepted.

 On other visits, we turned away, vowing to return when there was room.  The private mooring field is peppered with so many buoys it demands full attention slipping through.

Kraken at Olga dock in the San Juan Islands
Olga public dock has room for about three boats on each side, all buoys are private.

Kraken at Olga dock on Orcas Island
The dinghy's at Olga belong to locals, there is no access to beach except, a nasty slippery, very steep, and thorny trail in brush under ramp.

Olga dock on Orcas Island
The sign says it all

       On shore at the top of the Olga ramp is a flagpole, and a memorial bench. 

There are a couple blocks, if that, of roads to walk, some say private drive, keep out.  There is no bathroom.  The old store across the street was closed up many years ago, and the property is for sale, but the little post office is in business.  Up a moderately steep hill about 1/4-1/3 mile is a restaurant on the main road. Some other boaters made the hike and reported good food.  Other than private homes, most which look like second homes, there is no other business.  That's it for Olga.  I'm glad we finally stopped by Olga, but except for a nice dock to tie up to, and a pleasant little bay to paddle and dinghy sail, what can I say.

       On a much more positive note, I rode my bicycle around a little, and after checking my maps I realized that Olga is the shortest and most convenient starting point for a grueling ride to the top of Mt Constitution.  7 miles versus 7.5 starting at Rosario.  I did not make the ride due to being late in the day, but I plan to come back and give it a try.

         Next time we are in the area and need a place to spend the night, I'm sure we will stop again.
Oh, and we saw a little baby deer on the beach, way to go Olga!

Note: I am reluctant to review or report on businesses that may or may not be around in the future when readers might come across my post, not realizing the information is sadly outdated or just plain incorrect.

That being said, I have heard that a coop has reopened (2023/2024?) the old store/deli at the top of the gangplank in Olga. I have also been told that there is a new restaurant in West Sound, across from the county dock.  

To the best of my knowledge, the San Juans are still subject to tides, currents, puffins and the occasional seal pup and orca in unexpected places.

Click below for a satellite view of Olga

Aug 8, 2022

Creating maximum space at the dock and general good manners.

Orca killer whales in  Haro strait Off shore from LIme Kiln park
This is offshore from Smallpox Bay in Haro Strait

   Having just returned from a 200 mile sweep around the San Juan's, I am fresh with observations and thoughts on how to improve the experience.


Everyone knows that dock space is first come first served and not to expect room for one more when you arrive.  

However, there is room for more if you try using some common sense.  Somewhere in the mountain of state park dock rules and regs is the suggestion to locate boats close together.  Spacing boats fifteen feet apart is not helpful and yet it is common. Tying ones dinghy to the float instead of rafting it is another obvious inconsiderate ploy that effectively exclude others.  By the way, did they pay for the extra dinghy footage?


Speaking of dinghy's

Many parks have designated dinghy docks but I see people with fifteen foot inflatables, complete with 50hp outboards, consoles, windshields and bimini's, side tied at the dinghy dock forcing real dinghy's to make do as best they can.  What is really annoying is when you realize the offending dinghy belongs to the fifty five footer tied to the same float.


Speaking of  bigger or smaller boats

 Cnsiderate skippers will let his longish bow area stick out beyond the end of the float so his fifty five feet only uses forty feet of  dock.  Stop! I know this trick is a bad idea in some locations and for some boats. Obviously, I'm not suggesting being foolish, I'm suggesting being thoughtful and considerate.


 While we are talking considerate  activities

 how long is long enough or too long to run a generator?  During my latest visit we were treated to a generator running for eight hour stretches.  It was during the daytime and it was fairly quiet but come on, at least get off the dock and anchor out a ways. I was anchored out myself, it must have been no fun at all for the people close by.


I spend some of my non-San Juan boating time around jet skis, water skiers, tubers, newbies, loud music and alcohol-fueled people enjoying the water. 

 As such, I expect close encounters, big wakes and general on-water mayhem.  But not in the San Juan's, the San Juan's attract an older more refined, mature crowd. We have miles of room to navigate, there is really no reason for close encounters. Jet skis are outlawed and proper boating is the norm.  On this visit, a thirty-five footer at high speed overtook us and passed by so close they would have hit us if I had turned unexpectedly.  I had no time to react, their wake rolled us so violently that one crew was thrown out of their seat and some of our belongings came crashing off shelves and out of cabinets breaking on the cabin sole.  I regret I did not get a picture or name of the offending boat.  I am not embarrassed that acting on reflex, I cussed them over the radio.  Then after realizing in my haste I may not have keyed the mike, I did it again clearly to make sure they heard.  I hope they heard me but my antenna was down with the inflatable on the roof so my range was greatly reduced.  I apologize for my last paragraph, I'm still reeling when I think about the incident.

     On an up note, at Jones Island, as we were anchoring, a skipper at the float yelled over to us that he was leaving in a few minutes. We aborted lowering the hook and moved over, thank you very much.

     Also at Jones, we thought we lost a cell phone, trail mix and passports in a drybag at our camp site, only to find it two days later where a raccoon had stashed it in the bushes, unharmed but chewed on.

Jul 6, 2022

My get home system is finally put to use.

 More than a decade ago I installed an outboard bracket to carry the dinghy motor on the back of my  

40-year-old Nordic Tug. 

 The transom-mounted bracket allows me to store the 5hp Honda and easily transfer it to and from the dinghy.  Thinking way ahead, I mounted the bracket down low  so that if I ever needed an emergency push or trolling kicker, I would lower the motor, connect the fuel line and away we'd go.

Well it finally happened. 

 Last month, the tug made a strange sound so I shut off the motor and began drifting.  Because I had forgotten how the mechanism worked and fiddling with it while hanging over the transom was very uncomfortable, it took me a few minutes to get the prop in the water and the fuel line connected.  After about ten pulls the motor came to life and we were ready to go.

Holding the cowling 

Facing backward, I pointed it at what I guessed was straight ahead.  I shoved the gearshift into forward and twisted the tiller to a medium-fast idle.  At first, we didn't move but then it was apparent our nearly ten thousand pounds was actually making headway.  Because I was hanging over the back and couldn't see where we were going, I yelled to Linda, asking if we were pointed okay or if I should try steering.  Her answer was not helpful.

I made my way inside the cabin and determined we were indeed headed for a mud flat.  I turned the wheel and observed an agonizing slow response.  The gps showed we were making 4 mph but our smallish rudder is designed to have the force of the diesel engine pushing our 18" prop wash against it. The outboard is far over on one side and actually behind the rudder.  Never the less we began turning away from the shallows.

So,  the system worked.  I can't say I am impressed with performance but it will beat using the canoe paddle that I keep on board.  The two gallon fuel tank will be very limiting and I am aware that the outboard can't be lowered with the dinghy on its davits.  

I know others have get-home plans and motors, and I thought some might benefit from hearing my experience.

Oh, and the tug, as always, it was fine.

May 2, 2022

San Juan Islands Cruise Starting at Cornet Bay in Deception Pass State Park

This post first appeared in this web site in  2011. Parking and launching fees at Cornet Bay have since gone up a little.

       Camping, traveling, vacation rentals, condo's, and resorts on a budget, 

Is it even possible? 

Yes it is. Inexpensive (cheap) vacations are possible if you, "go by boat" or yacht as some say. The trick is to already own the yacht and then camp on it at all the great places.  Think of it like going to RV parks only without the garish over the top  land schooners parked in the best spots.

            If you are a newbie to the San Juan Islands boating group, you may ask, Why is Deception Pass State Park Your Ideal Starting Point?

The Simple answer is that this Washington park has the best all-weather, all-tide launching ramp and long-term parking lot. Plus,  Deception Pass is one of the places to see that you should not miss, and the Cornet Bay dock is a wonderful place to overnight or just hang out for a few days.

Detailed satellite map of San Juan Islands showing Rosario strait, Anacortes, Friday Harbor, James Island, Deception Pass

Satellite  view showing Cornet Bay marina docks and Deception Pass

The Google photos above with labels will help you to orient yourself. Because slow boats must time their passage through the pass you may find yourself spending the night at the dock.  I always plan to spend the first night at the dock because after driving six hours, rigging and launching my sailboat, it's late and I'm tired.  My crew can fish, hike and race around in the dinghy while I take a break.  The next day I'm ready to go, and cast off at slack tide which may be at noon or 9am.  The time doesn't matter, I'm on vacation time now.

The launch fee is around $6, parking is $10/day and staying at the dock is 50 cents a foot. The ramp has three or four lanes with floats. Trailer parking is abundant and long-term.  You can anchor out for free, anytime, anywhere. There is a fist of quarters shower that short times you in the bathroom.  Lots of locals and campers come down to fish off the floats, but boats tying up have priority. Try explaining that to a fisherman.

It is a very short run out the pass, under the bridge and into the Strait of Juan De Fuca, where high seas or fog may cause you to change your plans, if so, just head the other way to Swinomish Channel.  If you have never cruised the channel before, do it for sure, it only adds about 15 miles to your trip and is well worthwhile.  Or when you come back a week or so later, use the channel, but try to work it into your plans.  FYI, your boat will need to make 10 mph or better to overcome the worst of pass current, otherwise you will have to time it like the rest of us.  Of course with a favorable current you can rush on through, but the standing waves can be pretty big at times and an open bow boat will seem like a poor choice. The pass is narrowest directly under the bridge, so you will have a fast current for only a very short distance.

Cornet Bay moorage and boat launching ramp at Deception Pass

Dock and ramp at Deception Pass State Park (Cornet Bay)

You should run through Deception Pass for the beauty of it.

  Next door is Canoe Pass,

 and while navigable, Canoe Pass should only be used at slack water, it is very narrow  and sight distance restricted right under the bridge.  It is a little creepy when the whirlpools turn on and begin spinning you towards the rock cliff face.  Sometimes, we take our 9' dinghy with its 7.5 hp motor around Pass Island and wave to the gawkers on the bridge, but when the flood or ebb starts cascading, a tiny little dinghy has no business in either pass.

         When you come back a week or so later and are ready to head home you can wait for slack water outside the pass at the dock in Sharpe Cove or Bowman Bay. 

           I always spend my last night at the dock, and get a good rest for the long drive home.

Here's a link to the marine parks locating map  marine parks maps etc. click here

View from bridge of Deception Pass at slack water with replica pirate ship firing canon.

Tall ship ghosting through the pass at high slack water (photo taken from the bridge)

 In 60 minutes standing waves 3-6 feet tall may form and the current will be 5-8 mph

Swinomish Channel is itself a very picturesque not to miss 

part of all great cruises.

I would be remiss to not point out that most boats can transit the pass a good deal before or after slack water, slack water is simply zero current like in the picture.  Also, don't forget that Swinomish Channel is just around the corner and avoids the pass altogether.  

Click below for a satellite view of Deception Pass

Mar 19, 2022

Friday Harbor Marina Map

       For first-timers to the Friday Harbor Marina, it is really handy to know where your assigned slip is in a maze of fairways and other boaters.

        Even regular visitors can forget where G-dock is or which side are the odd-numbered slips!
Does anyone see the dinghy dock?  (It's at the end of A-dock)

Tip #1  Ask for a slip close to land, that quarter-mile walk gets old real fast!

Tip #2  If your visit includes loading and unloading passengers and gear,  save yourself a long walk and use the loading dock below the marina office. (just motor past the fuel pier) The side-facing land is for public use. The other side is for VIP's

Tip #3 Call the "Friday Harbor Master" for slip assignment, call on channel 66 or use your cell phone.  Or simply tie up to breakwater "A" when you arrive.

Friday Harbor Marina Map showing slips, slip numbers, fuel, gas dock, and ferry  terminal
Image Courtesy the Port of Friday Harbor
Click on the image for a bigger view.

Click below for Satellite view of Friday Harbor

Roche Harbor Marina Map

Thanks to Roche  Harbor Resort for letting us use their area map, it also shows where the Mausoleum and Sculpture Garden/Park are located.

Our 2019  cruise guide has this updated map and the new  Friday Harbor map as well. It's pretty helpful when getting a slip assignment to be able to

 check the map and know exactly where to go.

2019 - San Juan Island's Cruise guide (at Amazon)

Roche Harbor marina map showing slips, numbers, dinghy dock, fuel dock, stores, anchorage, boat ramp, visitor trails

Roche Harbor marina map

Click below for a satellite view of Roche Harbor

Dec 17, 2021

Troubling winter time thoughts

       Dinghy's, tenders, shore boats come in a dizzying array of shapes and sizes, and the on going "best dinghy" argument is far from complete in my limited mind.

But right now now I'm wondering if the pointy end of a dinghy is really needed.  I mean the part that is normally above water.

So here's the question, when comparing a 8' pointed dinghy to a 8' blunt nosed dinghy (some call them prams, others punts) do they both have the same load capacity? rowing, sailing ability?  I think if you take a 8' flat nosed dinghy and add back what it would take to make a decent pointed end you would in essence then have a 9.5' (give or take some inches)  pointed dinghy. Am I missing something here?

If I'm correct, it means a flat nosed dinghy of a given length may actually be a bigger boat (other issues and factors being equal) than a pointy dinghy of the same length overall. Right!
I think carried to extremes this line of thinking means a rectangle boat  is bigger, followed by a square boat as being the best shape for big loads. So a barge may be the shape it is for good reason.

So this brings me full circle  back to my earlier thought, is the pointy end of a dinghy really needed, or does it just make it a smaller boat?
Dinghy and Sunset at Matia Island in the San Juans, with Sucia and Echo bay in background
This picture was taken of my son by his sister. Notice the oars reach his head.
Sunset at Rolfe Cove on Matia
I'm am really looking forward to summer.

Oct 5, 2021

Places to go in the San Juan Islands

What is there to do in the San Juan Islands?

Where to Find Essential Resources for Travelers and Boaters  

All the places listed are accessible by boat, some by vehicle too.

    Almost every park has easy to lengthy hikes so follow this link to all the parks  All the parks. Below are San Juan area hikes that are not found in parks

Eagle Bluff on Cypress Island (my all-time favorite)

 Start this 2-3 hr round trip hike at Pelican Beach.  The trail to the bluff is beyond the Smugglers Cove, Duck Lake turn off and is closed until July 15th to protect baby chicks.  Keep the pets and children on a leash and back from the cliff edge at the very top.

Afterglow Mausoleum at Roche Harbor

This is a short walk to the mausoleum known for a missing pillar. Begin by walking up the resort road past the chapel.  Turn left on the county road and then in a block or so, left again on Afterglow Dr. Watch for signs and trail in woods on the right side.

Turn Point Lighthouse on Stuart Island

Begin this roughly two and a half mile (one way) hike at the dock at either the Prevost or Reid Harbor docks since they share the same isthmus and trailhead.  Proceed on trail past sign and lots of stairs up and then down to the cove at the head of Reid Harbor.  Wind your way through the kayaker campground and follow the service road, up, up and past the one room school to the intersection with Lighthouse road. Turn left and keep going, you can't get lost now.

To save about two miles of walking, consider starting this hike at the head of Prevost Harbor from the county dock where Lighthouse rd begins.  As a bonus, you can ride your bikes from the county dock but be careful walking or riding because the last quarter mile going down the hill to the lighthouse is steep and littered with round rocks.  We leave our bikes at the top and walk the last downhill stretch.

Young Hill at English Camp - San Juan Island

Sep 20, 2021

Where are the mainland Boat Ramps for your San Juan Islands Vacation Cruise?

          Taking your boat for a camping vacation cruise isn't expensive or difficult if you know the places to go and what to do.

 If you're going to camp on the boat or on shore, I recommend that you start out in Bellingham or Deception Pass State Park.  But if you need or want a campground with a launch ramp for your home base, you should reserve a site at Washington Park in Anacortes.

Boat ramps with parking:

#1  Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham  

 unlimited free parking, fresh water rinse hoses, guest docks, restaurants, nice showers (you will be glad you began and ended your trip here) 

      • (updated 10/1/21) I just became aware that Squalicum Harbor has changed their free parking to FIVE days maximum. This is bad news for some of us that like to take 7-10 day cruises. I recommend calling them.  Cornet Bay requires payment but at least has longer parking.

#2  Cornet Bay at Deception Pass State Park -  lots of pay to park, guest docks, nice place to hang out before, after and during your vacation. Only minutes from Anacortes.

#3  La Conner (south end of Swinomish Channel) 

single lane city ramp, float, on street parking, cheap fees, nearby guest docks. Current to deal with.

#4  Washington Park in Anacortes 

  limited pay parking, double ramps with float but open to swell and waves from Geumes Channel,  no guest docks,  very nice on site campground, easy bike ride or hike to ferry.

#5  Twin Bridges (north end Swinomish Channel) 

County ramp, limited pay parking, small float that's dry at low tide, security risk area  NOTE: It's just a little further to La Conner and well worth it!

#6  Oak Harbor  

  free ramp, $2/day parking, guest docks nearby, full marina services nearby, long walk to town!  long ways to San Juans for slow boats.

#7  Cap Sante in Anacortes

 should not be listed because they have a sling, not a ramp, Cap Sante would be a second choice if you want to sling your boat in. Guest docks and big RV or trailer pay parking lot. (you can spend a lot of bucks here)

Note: Taking your boat and trailer by ferry to the islands is probably a bad idea because ramps and parking are inferior or not available.  However, launching a skiff you can muscle around off the beach at a county park with no float is very doable.

San Juan Islands map showing boat ramps at Cornet Bay, Squalicum Harbor, Twin Bridges, Oak Harbor, Washington Park, La Conner,

Click on picture to make it bigger!

For first timers, see articles titled  "San Juan Islands for First Timers"
Click below
First Timers Itinerary

Click below for a satellite view of Squalicum Harbor

Jul 3, 2021

They say Canada visits are open after July 21st 2021

      I just read a website that says we can go back and forth after July 21st.  This is undoubtedly subject to change with current conditions and remember what the US says and Canada says may differ so check with both sides before you cross over.

     Interestingly,  the last time I had a passport problem (expired) and could not find the answer online.  I simply called the office in Friday Harbor and talked directly with an agent. He gave me the straight and current poop in a simple phone call.  It made me realize how much I had gotten away from talking to people who actually run the show.  Now if I can get certain people to quit texting for hours on end when picking up the phone is more expedient anyway.

San Juan Islands visiting Victoria, Butchart Gardens

Apr 23, 2021

Summer Cruising Plans - Do it now! - Ten resorts and phone numbers where you can reserve a slip

 Sometimes it is really nice to have a slip reserved just for you.

      After spending a few nights on the hook somewhere, or jostling for dock space at a park that only holds four boats and has no water or shower, I look forward to my guaranteed reservation.

If you have a firm date planned, 4th of July maybe, you can call or get online and reserve a slip.

La Conner 360 466 3118
Cap Sante  360 2930694
Squalicum Harbor 360 676 2542
Blakelys   360375 6121
West Beach  360 375 6121
Islander Resort  360 468 2233
Friday Harbor   360 378 2688
Roche Harbor   800 586 3590
Deer Harbor  360 376 3037
Rosario Resort  360 376 2152

Most of these places will be able to fit you in with short notice, but plan ahead to be sure.

Did you know?

For your landbound friends and relatives (children). They can make campground reservations.

Sucia Island State Park
Odlin County Park
San Juan Island County Park
Spencer Spit State Park
Washington  Park (Anacortes city park)
These five parks are boater accessible and take reservations for camping.

Think outside the box, and plan a combination land and sea adventure with your non-boater friends.
Follow this link to a post outlining a land and sea outing involving - cars - campgrounds - ferry rides - bicycles and one boat used as a taxi.
Outside the box cruising

Marinas and telephone numbers in the San Juan's
What are you waiting for - Winter?

Click below for a satellite view of Deer Harbor

Feb 1, 2021

Where is the Odlin Park Dock on Lopez Island

Odlin Park float on Lopez Island at high tide holds one big or two little boats

       This is one of those really handy but easily overlooked places you may be driving by.  San Juan County Parks allow two-hour tie-ups but I have left my dinghy all day, tucked in out of the way while bicycling the island or running to Lopez Village.

        You can anchor as close as you want and stay as long as you want. If you are really a rule stickler, simply drag the dinghy up above high water. The park bathrooms, fire pits, and parking lot are just a 200 foot walk away.  If you bring your bike like me you can ride into Lopez Village, it's only about 2 1/2 miles.

        Since all of Odlin Park is  totally exposed to wakes from Upright Channel, anchoring is always very rolly polly and boats at the dock get smacked around too. You can use one of four  park buoys for a small fee and still flop around. Other than that, Odlin is a great place to expand your horizons.

Odlin Park dock on Lopez Island
I don't think bicycles and dinghy's work well together, what do you think?

Map showing Odlin Park and Spencer Spit park in the San Juan's
Since parks aren't marked on charts, this snapshot may help you find Odlin Park.

Update: We have dropped the kids here again (Odlin Park). This time they had reservations for a campsite (smart idea). They left their car at Washington Park in Anacortes, and came by bicycle on the ferry to Orcas.

I know that may seem confusing since Odlin Park is on Lopez.
So here is the quick low down.

We started at Squalicum Harbor - Bellingham
 and anchored at Jones Island.

Two days later we picked them (our adult children) up at the county dock in Eastsound (Orcas)
Went back to Jones where they camped on shore.

 The next day we ran over to Stuart and rode bikes to the lighthouse, then came back and camped at Jones again. The next day we dropped them at the county dock at Odlin Park on Lopez, and we  took a slip at Friday Harbor.

Two days later, we picked them up off the beach at Odlin Park (bikes in dinghies),
had an ice cream break at Blakely's,
and then hiked Eagle Bluff on Cypress.

We tried to camp at Cypress Head, but  because of wind ended up anchored for a calm night at Saddlebag Island Park where they slept on shore again.

On the kids last day we dropped them and their bikes at the dock at nearby Washington Park where their car was parked. We then ran back to Bellingham and slept at the dock in Squalicum Harbor.

If you have read this far, you should see that mixing ferries, foot passengers, bicycles,
 and camping on shore, can all come together for a custom outing in the San Juan's.
Did I mention the visit to the brewery in Eastsound?

If Lopez Village is on your bucket list (free showers) try this link.
How to land your dinghy at Lopez Village

Click below for a satellite view of the Odlin Park dock

Jan 6, 2021

Pontoon boats, Hobie Cats, Wave Runners

      Why are some boats seldom or never seen in the San Juans?  I'm going out on a limb here and speculating because I really don't know why I have never seen a pontoon boat in the islands. I may have seen a small Hobie Cat once but I don't remember when. 

     I have read that jet skis and pwc's are forbidden in San Juan county so that explains their absence on the water. I have seen them many times on the decks of larger yachts or being towed. Small cats with limited or no storage don't lend themselves to cruising but I would think that if a kayaker can get by with minimal gear so can a  wet and wild sailor in a wet suit. This leaves me with pontoon boats.  Party barges as they are sometimes called are common on lakes and rivers and easily trailered. They can certainly carry camping gear and some have cabins, so why aren't they seen in the San Juan's?  

     I'm guessing that pontoon boats don't do well in big waves. Except with suitable weather windows big waves might be avoided (this is a big maybe). Big wakes are another thing but they happen everywhere including lakes and rivers, especially with the advent of ballast shifting wake boats.  My next thought is that party barges are the boat of choice for the younger crowd and much of the cruising crowd is a more seasoned bunch preferring beds, fridges and galley sinks.  

    I will be on watch.

                                              pontoon boat in the San Juans

Nov 21, 2020

What Happens When You Wind Your Dinghy Painter Around Your Propeller? Twice!

        It may have happened more than twice, but that's all I remember so I will relate just the two.

We towed this guy and his big dog in his dinghy from Orcas Landing across to 

Blind Bay. 

  •  In our haste, we snagged the tow rope before we got started. We wound it up on the prop killing our outboard motor and then, since we had already cast off, we drifted dead behind the ferry that had just arrived.  For a few worried minutes I was glancing up at the ferry pilothouse, I was wondering if the captain saw us or
    wrapping rope around prop in the San Juan Islands, and drifting behind ferry
    was he looking down at us and laughing. I was close to making a radio call, but we got the line loose and moved on a few minutes before the ferry departed.
  • More recently in another boat, our dinghy line was tied to the stern rail and I unknowingly dragged it through the water all the way from Stuart to Jones Island. And then, wound it up around the prop when I used reverse while attempting to anchor. All hell broke loose with everyone yelling what to do or not to do as the line wound up tighter and tighter. By the time I put it in neutral our rail had begun bowing and creaking. We dropped the anchor and luckily were able to rotate the shaft freeing the line but someone almost had to go for a dip.

        So knowing this as an ongoing potential issue, I resolved to use only floating lines, and to shorten all lines so that they cannot reach the prop.

Plus I resolved to use painter tow lines that are small enough that they will break before they damage or bend my boat and shaft should another mishap occur.

      The problem is I have procrastinated for years and done nothing, in fact the rope that I  snagged, I'm still using it minus about eight inches I cut off.

         My advice to myself is to follow my advice.

        (update, I think the last little snafu where we wound it up may have bent something because I might be detecting a little vibration at wot.  Its not too late to follow my own advice before I do it again and make the boat unusable costing some real boat $$$$)

Oct 12, 2020

Pictorial Hike to Eagle Bluff on Cypress Island

       repost from an earlier time

      Some readers of this blog will never get to hike to the top of Eagle Bluff on Cypress Island so I snapped a whole bunch of pics while I walked along.

I'll try to keep the text to a minimum

 We took the dinghy to shore at Pelican Beach, which is a Department of Natural Resources Site (DNR)  see Pelican Beach 

>> Read about Pelican Beach on Cypress right here

Pelican Beach anchorage on Cypress Island, camping, hiking

Pelican Beach anchorage on Cypress Island, camping, hiking

Pelican Beach anchorage on Cypress Island, camping, hiking
The boardwalk quickly gives way to forested trail

Cypress Island hiking, camping, pelican beach

Many, many pictures yet to see

Aug 25, 2020

Things to do in the San Juan's - Explore Fort Whitman and Battery Harrison on Goat Island

If you like to explore ruins and go on easy hikes, this is the place for you.

     Re-posted from 2012

Fort Whitman and Battery Harrison were built on Goat Island in the early 1900's to defend Deception Pass and Sartoga Passage, thus protecting Puget Sound.

You can find Goat Island at the south end of Swinomish channel just before the dredged channel terminates in Skagit Bay.  ( a few miles from Deception Pass)

The battery  had four six inch guns, so the concrete structure is quite long. Originally designed to be  invisible from the water and now totally overgrown you can land your dinghy and hike up the trail in about ten minutes.

Directions:  From the dredged  navigation channel on the north side of Goat Island (Swinomish Channel) look for the many pilings grouped together marking the old wharf, all you will see is a lot of rows of close together pilings with steel brackets still attached at the top. (look for the rusty old steel brackets, that's your only clue that makes these pilings look different from all the others.)Anchor to one side or tie to a piling. and then run your dinghy to shore directly behind the old wharf pilings and scramble up the  bank looking for a trail heading westward.  At high tide the beach is pretty much submerged and may not look like a place to land.  Spotting the seldom used trail is really hard, you may do some bush whacking, just remember the battery is west of where you land and a couple hundred feet back from the top of the cliff.  
Have fun, its a fun and very short hike up to the old battery, oh and bring a flashlight.
Goat Island, Fort Whitman, Battery Harrison, Swinomish Channel
steel railings, doors, long gone

Goat Island, Fort Whitman, Battery Harrison, Swinomish Channel
trees have taken back the island and the fort

Goat Island, Fort Whitman, Battery Harrison, Swinomish Channel
the round pit is where one of four guns was anchored

Goat Island, Fort Whitman, Battery Harrison, Swinomish Channel
 rooms and hallways are  interconnected

If you want some  more off the beaten path places to explore, try this post.

Ten lessor known places to visit in the San Juan area

Click below for a satellite  view of Goat Island